Per la Salute mentale

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Learning by Doing

Villa Maconda,
whose residents amaze us whenever they can

"The Villa Maconda residence was created in November, 1990. Over a period of 6 months, 3 young men and 2 young women were introduced into the apartment.
............................Andrea, Nidia, Paola, Fabio, Gianfranco were and still are terribly frightened. They’re the ones that would be in an asylum. They’re the ones that often feel the right to ask for nothing other than the asylum.................."

"...............A second quality indicator, in my view, is the responsibility all operators have for doing whatever is necessary, beyond a rigid, predefined definition of job tasks and duties, for the emancipation of users, without delegating this responsibility to others. This is a very important concept.
Third, and which is related to this, is the indicator of autonomy. I think that the community team should have increasingly autonomous operators................."

Why teamwork is necessary
in community-based mental health intervention:
quality indicators and nature of this work .
Bruno Norcio


“Trieste - The Zig Zag Project”

Maurizio Costantino

" The frontier which protects the autonomy of any living being from the universe which surrounds him,
acquires a meaning only if, besides being a barrier, it is also a means of exchange and can be crossed."
Henry Atlan.

................."And what does ‘taking care of’ mean? Evidently, it means casting the net wider and wider. It means setting other players into motion. Because diagnosing and curing is the doctor’s responsibility, but caring for is something that can be done by many different people. And here the health care organisation can make a contribution. It can participate and offer advice, but in this situation it’s not the king that governs the process. "

“Care and/or Cure: The Role of the Services and Operators”
Franco Rotelli


Trieste, 1981.

An interview with Mr. D., Mental Health Services user.

Maurizio Costantino

‘You may leave the Inquisition without being burnt,
but not without being scorched’

"So, what title should we give to this story?
Well, let’s see, we could call it … Chiapas… is therapeutic…

What’s the young man’s name?
Let’s say his name is David

Yes! David

Begin whereever you want, whereever the story begins.
Okay. We first met David in November, 2001. He came to the Mental Health Centre accompanied by his mother and had been referred by his GP. He was a good looking young man, tall, blond, his hair a bit long and with round wire-rim glasses that gave him the air of an ‘alternative’ intellectual!
During our first meeting he seemed a bit perplexed … He told us that he had been unwell since August but that in the last few days things had got worse, with the presence of ‘voices’, insomnia and thoughts which caused him anguish."

Chiapas is therapeutic."
Roberta Accardo - Adriana Fascì


Raffaele Venturini
The Social Enterprise

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